Adding GET Parameter to Javascript File

The Idea

In php files, it is common to assign a GET parameter like this


What if we want to do the same thing with Javascript file? For example


The Logic

Eventhought there is no actual function in Javascript to get a GET parameter when the file called, we can actually tricked it a little :

  1. get the whole URL
  2. split the values by ? characters

The Code

is actually quite simple

var passedId = requestURL.split('?')[1];

Here, we’re splitting the string and since our file name is testing.js?1234, our split function will resulting in an array :

[0] testing.js
[1] 1234

Since we want to took the 1234 value, we took the value in index 1 of the array


If you want to add more than 1 parameters, you can create a function to split and detecting the parameter name and parameter value.

Me is currently too lazy to give some example snore kicked

Published: July 28 2012

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