Comitting changes to git repository

Putting in here since I always forgot and too lazy to open the official web reference Original page : Creating a repository

For new repository, create and init local folder

	$ mkdir ~/Hello-World
	# Creates a directory for your project called "Hello-World" in your user directory
	$ cd ~/Hello-World
	# Changes the current working directory to your newly created directory
	$ git init
	# Sets up the necessary Git files
	# Initialized empty Git repository in /Users/you/Hello-World/.git/
	$ touch README
	# Creates a file called "README" in your Hello-World directory

Create a remote for comitting changes

	$ git remote add origin
	# Creates a remote named "origin" pointing at your GitHub repo

For my page, the line will be

	$ git remote add origin

	Attention: Eventhough your username in page is not case sensitive, your username is.
	I got a 'repository not exist' error several time just because I (foolishly)
	write my username as 'ukimiawz' instead of 'UkiMiawz'

Add and commit

Add changes

	$ git add .
	# There's a '.' in the end of the line

If you delete any files, you will need to add ‘-A’ in the end of the command line or the files won’t be deleted from your repository

	$ git add . -A
	# There are files deleted

Commit changes

	$ git commit -m 'commit comments'

Push changes to repository

	$ git push origin master

Pull changes

Add upstream to fetch changes from repository

	$ git remote add upstream git://

For my page it will be

	$ git remote add upstream git://

	Attention: Eventhough your username in page is not case sensitive, your username is.
	I got a 'repository not exist' error several time just because I (foolishly)
	write my username as 'ukimiawz' instead of 'UkiMiawz'

Fetch changes

	$ git fetch upstream

Mergering changes

Should you received command upon commiting to merge your changes with your existing files in repository, you should fetch changes and merge it with your local

	$ git merge upstream/master

Published: June 05 2012

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